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Conservation Commission Minutes08/03/05
Date:           August 3, 2005
Time:           4:00 PM
Location:       Wellfleet Senior Center

Commissioners Present:  Co-Chair Ginie Page, Co-Chair John DiBlasio, Cyndi Moe, Abby Franklin, Dottie Dolan, Paul Banner and Edwin Reynolds

Staff Present:  Hillary Greenberg, Conservation Agent, David Flaherty, Assistant Conservation Agent, and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Meeting called to order at 4:00 P.M. by Co-Chair Ginie Page  

Business Meeting:


Agent Greenberg reported Bernstein and Driscoll (land where clear cutting took place) could not attend the meeting and plan to attend the first meeting in September.  

Abutters to property on Pond Street inquired about stakes in the ground which are within 100 feet of the coastal bank.  Flaherty to investigate.

Agent Greenberg to continue checking on Fred Willecke’s property with the elevated garage.  

Trevor Glucksman’s project involved additional work due to deterioration.  This was approved by the Building Inspector.

Flaherty reported there was a complaint regarding fencing that continued from home owners property on to town property off Old Wharf Road.  Flaherty wrote a letter to the Selectmen, asking for their direction on how to handle the fencing.  

It was reported there is a personal water craft at a dock at the Boriskin property.  Agent Greenberg will investigate.

Access to Egg Island

Beth Berrio and Alfred Pickard, shellfish grant holders on Egg Island, requested the Commission to reconsider their position regarding vehicle access during extreme (or minus) low tide.  Pickard stated that commercial shell fisherman can drive vehicles out to the location, but grant holders cannot due to the conditions in the DOA.  Berrio and Pickard stated it is very difficult to take care of the debris from the grants (nylon, nets, etc.) which drifts into the harbor if not cleaned up by the grant owners.  Pickard stated the vehicles would be on Egg Island for a very short period of time, just long enough to get the debris and return to land.  Agent Greenberg stated she had a discussion with the Shellfish Warden and if the Commission wanted to amend the conditions, they would be allowed to change them.  Greenberg suggested there be a “buddy system” when vehicles go out to Egg Island in the event a vehicle got stuck.  Further discussion took place regarding who would get access.  It was determined a six month time limit be placed to monitor the vehicle access so everyone with a grant on Egg Island would have access during the extreme low tide.  The Shellfish Warden will be notified of the change in conditions.  The grant owners will be responsible for any repairs to the beach.  Banner moved to amend the conditions for shellfish grants on Egg Island to include vehicle access during the extreme low tide for a period of six months; seconded by Dolan, passed 7-0.  


·       Letters from Agent Greenberg to Bernstein and Driscoll regarding clear cutting.
·       Cape Cod Commission – incentive growth regulations
·       Letter from Wilcox and Ryder re. Bay Cottage Condo’s – DEP has granted approval for work
·       Two letters from Alison Palmer regarding limb cutting and replanting on abutters property.


The DPW will make repairs to Old Wharf Road.
Newcomb Hollow Beach clean up August 27.
Handout of an MOU from Long Island Sound to consider using as a model.  
Reminder of Herring River MOU Selectmen meeting.

Public Hearings:

5:00    Pike, RDA, Shellfish grant, 89-5 Extension.  Franklin recused herself as an employee of the MA Audubon.  Grant is located on Lt. Island.  Banner moved to determine the RDA as a Negative 2 subject to access by boat and foot only with no vehicles in the marsh; seconded by Moe; passed 6-0.

5:10    Turpin, NOI, 393 Bound Brook Way, Map 6, Parcel 10: Remodel dwelling and install new septic (Cont’d from 06/01/05).  Tim Brady of East Cape Engineering represented the applicant.  Brady reviewed the project, stating the dwelling is on the town lines of Truro and Wellfleet.  He filed an NOI in Truro and may have to appear before the ZBA.  He received BOH approval for the septic system.  He provided house plans and elevation plans, which will utilize the existing foundation.  Deliveries and a dumpster will be located in the existing driveway.  The only excavation will be for the garage and septic.  Brady will identify wetland plants in the “pit area”.   A letter needs to be sent from Truro to Agent Greenberg.  Franklin moved to continue to September 7, 2005; seconded by Moe; passed 5-0.

5:25    Golad, NOI, 280 Pleasant Point Ave., Map 35, Parcel 140:  Replace existing dwelling and septic (re-opened from 05/04/05).  Sarah Torono Flores, attorney and Tim Brady of East Cape Engineering represented the applicant.  Sarah reviewed the project, stating the Cons Comm had approved the plan, awaiting house plans and elevations for the project.  The applicant wants to add a 2nd story to the existing section of the house, staying within the same footprint.  The addition will be located to the rear, out of the 50 foot buffer zone.  A construction protocol was provided, as well as a landscaping plan.  Brady stated heavy construction equipment will be kept outside of the buffer zone with no excavation by the existing dwelling.  Sonya Boynton, abutter, stated her objections to the project.  Agent Greenberg emphasized this parcel is for a two bedroom septic system.  She stated a Building Permit will not be issued until a review of the floor plan is made.  Franklin moved to approve with conditions; seconded by Dolan, passed 7-0.  Supervisor is Abby Franklin.  

5:50    Danforth, RDA, 5 Holbrook Ave., Map 21, Parcel 105:  Install cantilevered stairway.  Ms. Danforth gave an overview of the project.  The current porch area is 5 feet by 7 feet, the proposed cantilevered stairway would be 9 feet x 12.6 feet.  Danforth explained three beams will sit on top of the foundation, extending to the right of the house to support the stairway.  There was discussion regarding the septic installation as well the turkeys on the property.  Agent Greenberg stated she reports to the Court two
times per month the status of the property and stated she had seen a letter from the Engineer that the foundation has to be installed prior to the septic system.  The Commission expressed concern for the wetlands as well as the shellfish beds.  Danforth stated she is going before the ZBA in one week.  Franklin moved to determine this request a Negative 2 and asked for conditions that all fencing, the coop, the turkeys, storage materials, and debris be removed prior to the start of construction of the stairway; seconded by Dolan, passed 7-0.   


Banner moved to approve the Meeting Minutes of July 20, 2005 with amendments; seconded by Franklin, passed 7-0.

Dolan reported the trail guides were not going to be revised and would be distributed as they are.

Franklin moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:40; seconded by DiBlasio; passed 7-0.
Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates
Committee Secretary